近五年内主持/参与7项省部级课题,在国内外核心学术期刊发表相关论文80余篇,包含Computers & Education (教育学SSCI 的Top 期刊)与Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (发展心理学SSCI的Top期刊)。论文成果中,有八篇高被引文章 (ESI),三篇人大复印转载。2024年入选中国知网高被引学者5%;研究成果获得山东省教育科学优秀成果奖特等奖、济宁市社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖、与成都市教育科研一等奖。Google scholar 被引总次数2996,h-index为28。
担任Frontiers in Psychiatry(SSCI)副主编,BMC psychology (SSCI)、International Journal of Mental Health Promotion(SSCI)、Scientific Reports(SCI)、World Journal of Psychiatry(SCI)与Heliyon (SCI)等期刊的编辑委员。担任国内外权威期刊的外审:开放教育研究(CSSCI)、远程教育杂志(CSSCI)、现代远程教育研究 (CSSCI)、现代教育技术(CSSCI)与贵州师范大学学报(CSSCI扩展);Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI)、Assessments (SSCI)、International Journal of Information Management (SSCI) 、 Telematics and Informatics ( SSCI)、Journal of Psychiatric Research (SSCI)、European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry ( SSCI),以及其他SSCI与SCI杂志三十余本。
1. 2022 年山东省社会科学规划研究项目 “后疫情时代乡村小学教学管理创新研究” (项目编号:22CJYJ16)(已结题)。
2. 2021年安徽省哲学社会科学规划重点项目“安徽省高考综合改革的循证决策与实践研究”(项目编号:AHSKZ2021D12)(参与)。
3. 国家社科基金教育学项目 “ 高考分类考试与普通高中转型发展研究”(已结题,排行第二)
4. 教育部人文社会科学研究项目“普通高中学业水平考试质量评价指标体系构建及应用研究” (已结题,参与)
5. 2019年济宁市社会科学规划研究项目“大学自主创业现状调查分析”(项目编号:19JSGX018,主持,已结题)
1. Sun, Y-X., Cao, C-H., Tang, Z-J*., Huang, F-M., Zhong, X-B., & Chen, I-H*. (2025). Moral disengagement as mediator and guilt as moderator between cyber moral literacy and cyberbullying among late adolescents. Scientific Reports. (IF=4.3, SCI [MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES, Rank: 25/134=0.18])
2. Ding, J., Lin, Y., & Chen, I-H. (2025). Why Individuals with trait anger and revenge motivation Are More Likely to Engage in Cyberbullying perpetration? The Online Disinhibition Effect. Frontiers in Public Health (IF=3.0,SSCI2区[Rank:114/403=0.28]. ). Accepted
3. Lin, T.-Y., Hu, F.-W., Griffiths, M. D., Papour, A., Chen, I.-H*., & Lin, C.-Y*. (2025). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Multiple Intelligence Scale among older adults: Rasch analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Journal of Applied Gerontology (IF=2.2, SSCI [GERONTOLOGY, Rank: 19/47=0.40]).
4. Wang, J#., Chen, X#., Huang, M., Liu, R., Chen, I-H*., & Flett, G. L*. (2025). Latent profile analysis: Mattering concepts, problematic internet use, and adaptability in Chinese university students. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. (IF=1.1, SSCI [PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, Rank: 219/276=0.79])
5. Cao, C.-H., Wang, X.-L.*, Ji, Y.-P. and Chen, I.-H.*. Psychometric Validation of the 20-item K-DOCS in Chinese Adolescents: A Multi-Method Approach. Scientific Reports (IF=4.3, SSCI [Multidisciplinary, Rank: 14/171=0.08] 一区
6. Chen, X.-M., Ning Y.-F, Gordon L. Flett, Liao X.-L., Gamble J.H., Li L.-L., Jiang X.-Y., Chen I.-H.*, Mark Griffiths, Lin P.-J. & Lin, C. Y.* (2025). The Relationship Between Specific Problematic Internet Use and Hope: Academic Exhaustion as Mediator and Mattering as Moderator Among Chinese University Students. BMC psychology. (IF=2.7, SSCI [PSYCHOLOGY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, Rank:52/219=0.23])
1. Ding, J.-L., Ning, L., Wu, Y.-F., Chen, I.-H.*, Yan, W.- J. *. The Hidden Curves of Risk: A Nonlinear Model of Cumulative Risk and School Bullying Victimization Among Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (IF=5.6, SCI [Pediatrics, Rank: 10/130=0.08; SSCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 31/144=0.22])
2. Yi, J.†, Chen, I.-H., Chen, H.-P.†, Lin, I.-C.†, Chen, J.-S., Huang, P.-C.*, O'Brien, K. S., Griffiths, M. D., & Lin, C.-Y.* (accepted). Tendency to avoid physical activity mediates the association between perceived weight stigma and physical activity levels among university students. Mental Health and Physical Activity (IF=4.7; SSCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 40/144=0.28]).
3. Wang, Y. J., & Chen, I. H. (2024). Effect of School Bullying on Students’ Peer Cooperation: A Moderated Mediation Model. Children (IF=2.835, SCI [Pediatrics]), 11(1), 11.
4. Chen, X.-M., Chen, I.-H.*, Jiang, X.-Y., Li, X.-D., Gamble, J. H* (2024). Factors Influencing Innovation Competence Among 3 Children and Adolescents in China – A Multilevel, Cross-Cohort Study. Heliyon (IF=3.4, SCI [Multidisciplinary Sciences, Rank:28/134=0.21]). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e32640
5. Chen, X.-M., Liao X.-L., Chen, I.-H.*, Jeffrey H.-G.*, Jiang X.-Y., Li X.-D.,Bo C.-X. (2024). The long-term effects of perceived instructional leadership on teachers’ psychological well-being during COVID-19. PLOS ONE (IF=2.9, SCI [Multidisciplinary Sciences, Rank:31/134=0.23]). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0305494
6. Saffari, M.†, Chen, C.-Y.†, Chen, I.-H., Ruckwongpatr, K., Griffiths, M. D., Potenza, M. N., Wang, X. L., Huang, Y.-T., Chen, J.-S., Tsai, C.-C.*, & Lin, C.-Y.* (accepted). A comprehensive measure assessing different types of problematic use of the internet among Chinese adolescents: The Assessment of Criteria for Specific Internet-use Disorders (ACSID-11). Comprehensive Psychiatry. (IF=4.3, SCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 49/276=0.18] ; SSCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 49/276=0.18]).
7. Ahorsu, D. W.†, Chen, C.-Y.†, Chen, I.-H., Pakpour, A. H., Bevan, N., Chen, J.-S., Wang, X. L., Ko, P.-J.*, Griffiths, M. D., & Lin, C.-Y.* (accepted). The Perceived Weight Stigma Scale and Weight Self-Stigma Questionnaire: Rasch analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and network analysis among Chinese adolescents. Public Health (IF=3.9, SCI [Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 60/403=0.15] ; SSCI [Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 60/403=0.15]).
8. Chen, I.-H., Pramukti, I., Gan, W. Y., Ruckwongpatr, K., Le, P., Huang, P.-C., Mamun, M., Ullah, I., Jahrami, H., Lin, C.-Y., & Pakpour, A. H. (2024) (accepted). Smartphone application-based addiction scale: Psychometric evidence across nine Asian regions using advanced analytic methods. Brain and Behavior (IF=2.6, SCI [Behavioral Neuroscience, Q2, Rank: 32/88 = 0.36]). Accepted
9. Gamble, J.H.#, Li H.-M.#*, Liao X.-L., Cao C.-H., Chen X.-M., Chen I.-H.* (2024). Effects of psychological need thwarting during COVID-19 remote instruction on Chinese, Math, and EFL teachers’ well-being and online teaching intentions. Scientific Reports (IF=3.8, SCI [Multidisciplinary Sciences, Rank:25/134=0.19]).
10. Ding, J-L.†, Chen, X-M.†, Liao, X-L., Wang, X-L*., Chen, I-H*., & Malas, O. (2024). Examining Problematic Internet Use, Mattering, and Distress in Interpersonally Vulnerable Senior High School Students: A Longitudinal Study During Summer Holidays and Academic Terms. Acta Psychologica (IF=2.1,SSCI 二区[Rank:44/99=0.44]).
11. Chen, X.-M., Lu X.-B*., Ning Y.-F., Wang L.-F., Jeffrey H.-G., Chen X.-H., Jiang X.-Y., Chen, I.-H.*, Lin P.-J. (2024). The Association between Problematic Internet Use, Resilience, and Fatigue in First-Year Medical College Students in China: A Moderated Mediation Model. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. (IF=1.7,SSCI 四区[Rank:219/276=0.79]
12. Zhou, X. H., Shen, Z. Z., Cao, C. H., Liao, X. L., Jiang, X. Y., Griffiths, M. D., Chen, I. H.*, Lin, C. Y.*, & Malas O. (2024) Psychometric Evaluation of DASS Versions among Spanish and Chinese Teachers using Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM). Acta Psychologica (IF=2.1, SCI [PSYCHOLOGY, EXPERIMENTAL, Rank: 44/99=0.44])
13. Ruckwongpatr, K., Chen, I.-H., Pramukti, I., Huang, P.-C., Latner, J. D., O'Brien, K. S., Wang, X., Chen, J.-S., Üztemur, S., Lin, C.-C., Chang, Y.-L.*, Chin, W.-L.*, Griffiths, M. D., & Lin, C.-Y.* (accepted). Assessing Exposure to Weight Stigma: Development and Initial Validation of the Weight Stigma Exposure Inventory (WeSEI). Journal of Eating Disorders (IF=3.5, SCI [Nutrition & dietetics, Rank: 40/114=0.35; Psychiatry, Rank: 75/276=0.27] ; SSCI [Psychology, Clinical, Rank: 28/180=0.16]).
14. Chen, X.-M.,Wang L.-F., Liao X.-L., Wang S., Yang L.*, Chen I.-H.*(2024). The relationship between problematic internet us and psychological distress in older Chinese teachers (40+) during different stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: Three cross-sectional studies. Frontiers in Public Health. (IF=3.0,SSCI2区[Rank:114/403=0.28]. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2024.1442852.
1. Cao, C.-H., Dang, C.-Y., Zheng, X., Chen, W.-G., Chen, I. H*., & Gamble, J. H.* (2023). The Psychometric Properties of the DASS-21 and Its Association with Problematic Internet Use among Chinese College Freshmen. Healthcare (IF=3.160, SSCI [Health Policy & Services, Rank: 35/88=0.39),11(5), 700.
2. Wang, Y. J*., & Chen, I. H. (2023). A Multilevel Analysis of Factors Influencing School Bullying in 15-Year-Old Students. Children (IF=2.835, SCI [Pediatrics], Q2), 10(4), 653.
3. Huang, P.-C.†,, Chen, I.-H.†, Barlassina, L., Turner, J. R., Carvalho, F., Martinez-Perez, A., Gibson-Miller, J., Kürthy, M., Lee, K.-H.*, Griffiths, M.D., Lin, C.-Y.* (2023). Expanding Protection Motivation Theory to explain vaccine uptake among United Kingdom and Taiwan populations. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 19(1). (IF=4.526, SCI [Biotechnology & Applied microbiology, Rank: 54/158=0.34; Immunology, Rank: 86/161=0.53]).
4. Saffari, M.†, Chen, I.-H.†, Huang P.-C., O'Brien, K. S., Hsieh, Y.-P., Chen, J.-K., Chang, Y.-H., Jiang, X., Bevan, N., Chang, Y.-L., Chen, J.-S., Tsai, C.-C.*, Griffiths, M.D., Lin, C.-Y.* (2023). Measurement invariance and psychometric evaluation of the Tendency to Avoid Physical Activity and Sport Scale (TAPAS) among mainland Chinese university students. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. (IF=4.3, SSCI [Psychology, clinical, Rank: 28/131=0.21; Psychology, multidisciplinary, Rank: 29/147=0.20]).
5. Chen, I.-H.†, Chang, Y.-L.†, Yang, Y.-N.†, Yeh, Y.-C., Ahorsu, D. K., Adjorlolo, S., Strong, C., Hsieh, Y.-P., Huang, P.-C., Pontes, H. M., Griffiths, M. D., Lin, C.-Y.* (accepted). Psychometric properties and development of the Chinese versions of Gaming Disorder Test (GDT) and Gaming Disorder Scale for Adolescents (GADIS-A). Asian Journal of Psychiatry (IF=13.890, SCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 7/155=0.05).
6. Cao, C.-H., Liao, X.-L., Jiang, X.-Y, Li, X.-D., Chen, I.-H.*, Lin, C.-Y.* (2023). Psychometric evaluation of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress scale-21 (DASS-21) among Chinese primary and middle School teachers. BMC Psychology (IF=3.6, SSCI [Psychology, Multidisciplinary, Rank: 39/147=0.27])
7. Chen, N., Zhao, K., Chen, I., & Liu, G (2023). The influence of parent-child relationships on the learning adaptability of left-behind children: the mediating role of peer attachment and the moderating role of separation duration. Frontiers in Psychology (IF=3.8, SSCI [Psychology, Multidisciplinary, Rank: 34/147=0.22]), 14, 1108993.
8. Cao, C.-H.#, Liao, X.-L.#, Gamble, J. H., Li, L.-L., Jiang, X.-Y., Li, X.-D., Griffiths, M. D., Chen, I.-H.*, Lin, C.-Y.* (2023). Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Depression Anxiety Stress Scale for Youth (DASS-Y) and DASS-21. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (IF=5.6, SCI [Pediatrics, Rank: 10/130=0.08; SSCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 31/144=0.22])
9. Ghazi, F. R., Gan, W. Y.*, Tung, S. E. H., Chen, I.-H., Poon, W. C., Siaw, Y.-L., Kamolthip, R., Chen, J.-S., Huang, S.-W., Griffiths, M. D., & Lin, C.-Y. (2023). Problematic gaming in Malaysian university students: Translation and psychometric evaluation of the Malay language versions of Gaming Disorder Test (GDT) and Gaming Disorder Scale for Young Adults (GADIS-YA). Evaluation & the Health Professions. (IF=2.329, SCI [Health care sciences & services, Rank: 77/109=0.71]; SSCI [Health policy & services, Rank: 57/88=0.65])
10. Chen, I.-H.†, Chen, C.-Y.†, Laio, X.-l., Chen, X.-m., Zheng, X., Tsai, Y.-C.*, Lin, C.-Y.*, Griffiths, M. D., & Pakpour, A. H. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) among different Chinese populations: A cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis. Acta Psychologica (IF=1.8, SSCI [Psychology, experimental, Rank: 65/89=0.73).
11. Li, L., Chen, I. H., Mamun, M. A., al Mamun, F., Ullah, I., Hosen, I., ... & Pakpour, A. H. (2023). Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) Across China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Iran: Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Measurement Invariance, and Network Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (IF=8, SSCI [Psychology, clinical Rank: 6/131=0.05; SCIE [Substance abuse, Rank: 1/21=0.05]).
12. Liu, W., Gamble, J. H., Cao, C.-H., Liao, X.-L., Chen, I.-H.*, Flett, G.L.,* (2023). The General Mattering Scale, the Anti-Mattering Scale, and the Fear of Not Mattering Inventory: Psychometric properties and links with distress and hope among Chinese university students. Psychology Research and Behavior Management (IF=4.3, SSCI [Psychology, multidisciplinary Rank: 29/147=0.20; SSCI [Psychiatry clinical, Rank: 28/131=0.21])
13. Fan, CW., Chang, YL., Huang, PC. et al. (2023). The tendency to avoid physical activity and sport scale (TAPAS): Rasch analysis with differential item functioning testing among a Chinese sample. BMC Psychology (IF=3.6, SSCI [Psychology, Multidisciplinary, Rank: 39/147=0.27])11, 369 (2023).
14. Qu, Y., Chen, I. H., & Meng, S. (2023). Multimedia teaching resource allocation method for distance online education based on packet cluster mapping. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology (EI index), 23(4), 314-326.
15. Fan, C.-W., Huang, P.-C., Chen, I.-H., Huang, Y.-T., Chen, J.-S., Fung, X. C. C., Chen, J.-K., Yang, Y.-N.*, O'Brien, K. S., Lin, C.-Y.*, & Griffiths, M. D. (2023). Differential item functioning for the Tendency of Avoiding Physical Activity and Sport Scale across two subculture samples: Taiwanese and mainland Chinese university students. Heliyon (IF=4.0, SCI [Multidisciplinary Sciences, Rank: 23/73=0.32).
16. Liao, X.-L.†, Cao, C.-H.*†, Gamble, J. H., Li, L.-L., Jiang, X.-Y., Bo, C.-X. and Chen, I.-H.*. (2023). Latent profile analysis of psychological needs thwarting in Chinese school teachers: longitudinal associations with problematic smartphone use, psychological distress, and perceived administrative support. Frontiers in Public Health (IF=5.5, SSCI [PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, Rank: 25/180=13.9]
1. Chen, I.-H.†, Wu, P.-L.†, Yen, C.-F.†, Ullah, I., Shoib, S., Zahid, S. U., Bashir, A., Iqbal, N., Addo, F.-M., Adjaottor, E. S.*, Amankwaah, G. B., Ahorsu, D. K., Griffiths, M. D., Lin, C.-Y.*, Pakpour, A. H. (2022). Motors of COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance Scale (MoVac-COVID19S): Evidence of measurement invariance across five countries. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy (IF=3.200, SCI [Health care sciences & services, 42/107=0.39]; SSCI [Health policy & services, 25/88=0.28]), 15, 435-445.
2. Chen, I.-H., Chen, C.-Y.*, Zhao, K.-Y., Gamble, J. H., Lin, C.-Y.*, Griffiths, M. D., & Pakpour, A. H. (2022). Psychometric Evaluation of Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) Among Chinese Primary and Middle Schoolteachers, and Their Students. Current Psychology (IF=4.297, SSCI [Psychology, multidisciplinary, Rank: 22/140=0.16]). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02471-3
3. Chen I-Hua 1, Lin, Y-C *, Lin, C-Y, Wang, W-C, Gamble, J. H* (2022). The trajectory of psychological distress and problematic Internet gaming among primary school boys: a longitudinal study across different periods of COVID-19 in China. Journal of Men's Health (IF=0.537, SSCI [Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 174/176=0.98], 18 (3), 70.
4. Ahorsu, D. K., Lin, C.-Y., Chen, I.-H., Ullah, I., Shoib, S., Ullah, Z., Adjaottor, E. S., Addo, F.-M., & Pakpour, A. H.* (accepted). The psychometric properties of Motors of COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance Scale (MoVac-COVID19S): A dataset across five regions. Data in Brief (Scopus indexing, Q2).
5. Arrindell, W.A*., Checa, I., Espejo, B., Chen, I. H, Carrozzino, D., Vu-Bich, P., Dambach, H., & Vagos, P. (2022). Measurement Invariance and Construct Validity of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) in Community Volunteers in Vietnam. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF=3.390, SSCI [Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 42/176=0.23], 19(6), 3460.
6. Chang C-W, Huang R-Y, Strong C, Lin Y-C, Tsai M-C, Chen I-H*, Lin C-Y*, Pakpour AH and Griffiths MD (2022) Reciprocal Relationships Between Problematic Social Media Use, Problematic Gaming, and Psychological Distress Among University Students: A 9-Month Longitudinal Study. Front. Public Health (IF=6.461, SSCI [Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 18/182=0.09], 10, 858482. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.858482
7. Pramukti, I.*†, Strong, C., Chen, I.-H., Yen, C.-F., Rifai, A., Ibrahim, K., Pandin, M. G. R., Subramaniam, H., Griffiths, M. D., Lin, C.-Y.*†, Ko, N.-Y.† (accepted). The Motors of COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance Scale (MoVac-COVID19S): Measurement invariant evidence for its nine-item version in Taiwan, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. (IF=2.945, SSCI [Psychology, clinical, Rank: 63/130=0.48; Psychology, multidisciplinary, Rank: 45/140=0.32]).
8. Chen, I.-H., Chen, X.-m., Liao, X.-l., Zhao, K.-Y., Wei, Z.-H., Lin, C.-Y. *, & Gamble, J. H*. (2022). Evaluating the immediate and delayed effects of psychological need thwarting of online teaching on Chinese primary and middle school teachers’ psychological well-being. Frontiers in Psychology (IF=4.232, SSCI [Psychology, multidisciplinary, Rank: 35/147=0.23]), 13, 943449. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.943449
9. Chen, I.-H.†, Chang, K.-C.†, Chang, C.-W., Huang, S.-W., Potenza, M. N., Pakpour, A. H., & Lin, C.-Y.* (accepted). Temporal associations between problematic use of the internet and self-stigma among people with substance use disorders: A cross-lagged model across one year. Journal of Psychiatric Research (IF=5.250, SCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 54/155=0.35]; SSCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 41/142=0.29).
10. Liang, J. X., Gao, Y., Chen, I. H., Chen, X. M*., & Zheng, Y. Y. * (2022). The Association between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Psychological Distress among Primary School and Middle School Teachers during the COVID-19 Epidemic: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Sustainability, 14(19), 12128.
11. Liu, W., Chen, J. S., Gan, W. Y., Poon, W. C., Tung, S. E. H., Lee, L. J., ... & Lin, C. Y.* (2022). Associations of Problematic Internet Use, Weight-Related Self-Stigma, and Nomophobia with Physical Activity: Findings from Mainland China, Taiwan, and Malaysia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 12135.
12. Chen, I.-H., Chen, H.-P., Gamble, J. H., Liao, X. l., Chen, X.-M., Yang, Y.-T. C., . . . Lin, C.-Y.* (2022). Evaluating a cross-lagged panel model between problematic internet use and psychological distress and cross-level mediation of school administrator support on problematic internet use: The serial mediating role of psychological needs thwarting of online teaching and psychological distress. Front. Public Health (IF=6.461, SSCI [Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 18/182=0.09], 10, doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.987366.
13. Chen, I.-H., Huang, P.-C., Lin, Y.-C., Gan, W. Y., Fan, C.-W., Yang, W.-C., Tung, S. E. H., Poon, W. C., Griffiths, M. D., & Lin, C.-Y.* (2022). The Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 and the modified Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 in Taiwan: Factor structure and concurrent validity [Original Research]. Frontiers in Psychiatry (IF=5.435, SCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 65/155=0.42]; SSCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 38/142=0.26]), 13.
14. Saffari, M.†, Chang, K.-C.†, Chen, J.-S.†, Chang, C.-W., Chen, I.-H.*, Huang, S.-W., Liu, C.-h.*, Lin, C.-Y.*, Potenza, M. N. (accepted). Temporal associations between depressive features and self-stigma in people with substance use disorders related to heroin, amphetamine, and alcohol use: A cross-lagged analysis. BMC Psychiatry (IF=4.144, SCI [Psychiatry, 75/155=0.48]).
1. Chen, CY., Chen, I.-H., O’Brien, K.S. et al. (2021). Psychological distress and internet-related behaviors between schoolchildren with and without overweight during the COVID-19 outbreak. International Journal of Obesity (IF=4.42, SCI, [Nutrition & Dietetics, Rank: 18/89=0.20]), 45,677–686.
2. Chen, I.-H., Chen, C.-Y., Pakpour, A. H., Griffiths, M. D., Lin, C.-Y*., Li, X.-D., Tsang, H. W. H. (2021). Problematic internet-related behaviors mediate the associations between levels of internet engagement and distress among schoolchildren during COVID-19 lockdown: A longitudinal structural equation modeling study. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. (IF=6.756, SCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 12/143=0.08]; SSCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 19/156=0.12]), 10(1), 135-148.
3. Chen, I.-H., Gamble, J. H., & Lin, C.-Y. * (2021). Peer victimization’s impact on adolescent school belonging, truancy, and life satisfaction: A cross-cohort international comparison. Current Psychology (IF=4.297, SSCI [Psychology, multidisciplinary, Rank: 22/140=0.16]). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-01536-7
4. Chen, C. Y., Chen, I.-H.., Hou, W. L., Potenza, M. N., O'Brien, K. S., Lin, C. Y*., & Latner, J. D. (2021). The Relationship Between Children's Problematic Internet-related Behaviors and Psychological Distress During the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Addiction Medicine (IF=3.014, SCI [Substance abuse, Rank: 9/20=0.45]), 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000845. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1097/ADM.0000000000000845
5. Yeh, Y-C., Chen, I-H., Ahorsu, D.K., Ko, N-Y., Chen, K-L., Li, P-C., Yen, C-F*., Lin, C-Y*., Griffiths, M. D., & Pakpour, A. H. (2021). Measurement Invariance of the Drivers of COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance Scale: Comparison between Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese-Speaking Populations. Vaccines (IF=4.08, SCI [Medicine, Research & Experimental, Rank: 50/138=0.36])), 9(3), 297.
6. Wang, P.-W., Ahorsu, D.K., Lin, C.-Y., Chen, I-H. *, Yen, C.-F*., Kuo, Y.-J., Griffiths, M.D., Pakpour, A.H (2021). Motivation to Have COVID-19 Vaccination Explained Using an Extended Protection Motivation Theory among University Students in China: The Role of Information Sources. Vaccines (IF=4.08, SCI [Medicine, Research & Experimental, Rank: 50/138=0.36])), 9, 380. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines9040380
7. Chen, C.-Y., Chen, I.-H., Pakpour, A. H., Lin, C.-Y. *, & Griffiths, M. D. (2021). Internet-related behaviors and psychological distress among schoolchildren during the COVID-19 school hiatus. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. (IF=4.157, SSCI [Psychology, Social, Rank: 13/65=0.19). https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2020.0497
8. Fung, X. C. C.#, Siu, A., Potenza, M. N., O'Brien, K. S., Latner, J. D., Chen, C.-Y., Chen, I.-H.*, & Lin, C.-Y. * (2021). Problematic use of internet-related activities and perceived weight stigma in schoolchildren: A longitudinal study across different epidemic periods of COVID-19 in China. Frontiers in Psychiatry (IF=5.435, SCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 65/155=0.42]; SSCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 38/142=0.26]). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.675839
9. Chen I-H., Ahorsu, D. K., Ko, N. Y., Yen, C. F., Lin, C. Y*., Griffiths, M. D., & Pakpour, A. H. (2021). Adapting the Motors of Influenza Vaccination Acceptance Scale into the Motors of COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance Scale: Psychometric evaluation among mainland Chinese university students. Vaccine (IF=3.641, SCI [Medicine, Research & Experimental, Rank: 76/140=0.54]))
10. Fan, C.-W., Chen I-H., Ko, N.-Y., Yen, C.-F. *, Lin, C.-Y. *, Griffiths, M. D., & Pakpour, A. H. (2021). Extended theory of planned behavior in explaining the intention to COVID-19 vaccination uptake among mainland Chinese university students: An online survey study. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. (IF=2.619, SCI [Biotechnology & Applied microbiology, Rank: 76/156=0.49; Immunology, Rank: 109/159=0.69]), 17(12).
11. Chen I-H.†, Chen, C.-Y.†, Liu, C.-h., Ahorsu, D. K., Griffiths, M. D., Chen, Y.-P., Kuo, Y.-J., Lin, C.-Y. *, Pakpour, A. H., Wang, S.-M (2021). Internet addiction and psychological distress among Chinese schoolchildren before and during the COVID-19 outbreak: A latent class analysis. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 10(1), 135-148. (IF=7.772, SCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 12/143=0.08]; SSCI [Psychiatry, Rank: 19/156=0.12]) https://doi.org/10.1556/2006.2021.00052.
12. Yi, J., Chen, I-H *., Lin, C.-Y., Li, C.-C., Liao, X.-L., Wei, Z.-H., & Gamble, J. H*. (2021). The Effect of Primary and Middle School Teachers’ Problematic Internet Use and Fear of COVID-19 on Psychological Need Thwarting of Online Teaching and Psychological Distress. Healthcare (IF=3.160, SSCI [Health Policy & Services, Rank: 35/88=0.39), 9(9). doi:10.3390/healthcare9091199
13. Bevan, N *., O’Brien, K. S *., Lin, C.-Y., Latner, J. D., Vandenberg, B., Jeanes, R., Chen, I-H., Moss, S., & Rush, G. (2021). The Relationship between Weight Stigma, Physical Appearance Concerns, and Enjoyment and Tendency to Avoid Physical Activity and Sport. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF=3.390, SSCI [Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 41/176=0.24]), 18(19), 9957. Retrieved from https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/19/9957
14. Kukreti, S., Ahorsu, D. K., Strong, C., Chen, I.-H *., Lin, C.-Y *., Ko, N.-Y., & Pakpour, A. H. (2021). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Chinese Teachers during COVID-19 Pandemic: Roles of Fear of COVID-19, NomophoBia, and Psychological Distress. Healthcare (IF=3.160, SSCI [Health Policy & Services, Rank: 40/88=0.45), 9(9), 9(10), 1288. Retrieved from https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9032/9/10/1288
15. 陈亮、陈奕桦*、郑霞.(2021).美国残疾学生校园欺凌及其防治。 比较教育学报(CSSCI-E、北大核心), 4,75-87。人大复印教育学文摘转载
1. Chen, I.-H., Strong, C., Lin, Y.-C., Tsai, M.-C., Leung, H., Lin, C.-Y., Pakpour, A. H., Griffiths, M. D. (2020). Time invariance of three ultra-brief internet-related instruments: Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale (SABAS), Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), and the nine-item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale- Short Form (IGDS-SF9) (Study Part B). Addictive Behaviors. (IF=3.645, SSCI 一区 [ Psychology Clinical, Rank: 19/131=0.14]), 101, 105960-105969.
2. Leung, H., Pakpour, A. H., Strong, C., Lin, Y.-C., Tsai, M.-C., Griffiths, M. D., Lin, C.-Y.*, Chen, I.-H (2020). Measurement invariance across young adults from Hong Kong and Taiwan among three internet-related addiction scales: Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale (SABAS), and Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS-SF9)(Study Part A). Addictive Behaviors. (IF=3.645, SSCI 一区 [Psychology Clinical, Rank: 19/131=0.14]), 101, 105969-105978.
3. Chen, I.-H., Gamble, H. J., Lee, Z.H*., & Fu, Q.L (2020). Formative Assessment with Interactive Whiteboards: A One-Year Longitudinal Study of Primary Students’ Mathematical Performance. Computers & Education. (IF=5.63, SSCI 一区 [EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Rank: 3/243=0.01]), 150, 103833.
4. Chen, I. H*., Lin, C. Y., Zheng, X., & Griffiths, M. D. (2020). Assessing Mental Health for China’s Police: Psychometric Features of the Self-Rating Depression Scale and Symptom Checklist 90-Revised. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF=2.849, SSCI 一区 [Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 32/170=0.19]), 17(8), 2737.
5. Chen, I. H., Pakpour, A. H., Leung, H., Potenza, M. N., Su, J. A., Lin, C. Y., & Griffiths, M. D (2020). Comparing Generalized and Specific Problematic smartphone/internet Use: Longitudinal Relationships Between Smartphone Application-Based Addiction and Social Media Addiction and Psychological Distress. Journal of Behavioral Addictions (IF=5.14, SSCI 一区 [PSYCHIATRY, Rank: 15/141=0.10]), 9(2), 410-419.
6.陈奕桦、魏志慧、付倩兰(2020)。教育技术学实验研究工具的跨时测量恒等检测。现代教育技术(CSSCI),4, 53-60。
8. Chen, L., Gamble, J.H*., Chen, I.-H*., Lee, Z.-H. & Fu, Q.-L (2020). Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance for a Chinese Version of a Psychological Need Thwarting Scale for Teachers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF=2.849, SSCI 一区 [Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 32/170=0.19]), 17(9), 3247.
9. Chen, I. H., Chen, C. Y., Pakpour, A. H., Griffiths, M. D., & Lin, C. Y. (2020). Internet-Related Behaviors and Psychological Distress Among Schoolchildren During COVID-19 School Suspension. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (IF=6.39, SSCI一区、SCI 一区 [Psychology Development, Rank: 1/76=0.01, Pediatrics, Rank:2/125=0.02] ), 59(10), 1099-1102.
10. Chen I-H, Ahorsu DK, Pakpour AH, Griffiths MD, Lin C-Y and Chen C-Y (2020). Psychometric Properties of Three Simplified Chinese Online-Related Addictive Behavior Instruments Among Mainland Chinese Primary School Students. Frontiers in Psychiatry (IF=2.85, SSCI 二区[ PSYCHIATRY, Rank: 41/141=0.29]), 11, 875.
11. Chen, I. H., Lee, Z. H., Dong, X. Y., Gamble, J. H., & Feng, H. W. (2020). The Influence of Parenting Style and Time Management Tendency on Internet Gaming Disorder among Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF=2.849, SSCI 一区 [Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Rank: 32/170=0.19]), 17(23), 9120.
1. 陈奕桦(2015)。小学生ICT技能之多层次影响因素研究-以台湾地区资料为例。电化教育研究(CSSCI),9,89-97。
2. 陈奕桦、杨雅婷*。(2015)项目学习网络教学系统之教师使用意向研究。现代远距离教育(CSSCI),3,60-69。国务院发展研究中心全文转载信息网全文转载(2015年9月16日)
3. 陈奕桦(2016)小学生网络成瘾评测工具与成瘾背后影响因素之检验。社会科学论坛(CSSCI-E),2,206-216。
4. 陈奕桦、杨雅婷*(2016)。台湾小学行动学习计划的学生自评学习效益影响因素探讨。教育科学研究期刊(ESCI、CSSCI、 TSSCI、Scopus),61(3),99-129。
5. 陈奕桦*、杨雅婷、文东霞(2016)。数字化游戏学习环境下的学生心流体验探讨。电化教育研究(CSSCI),8,40-52。
6. 陈奕桦*、杨雅婷(2016)。数字游戏式注意力训练实验研究。开放教育研究(CSSCI),22(6),103-111。
8. 陈奕桦*、谢妮(2017)。中国、韩国和新加坡15岁青少年未来生涯能力培养模式比较研究。教育发展研究(CSSCI),12,16-21。人大复印全文转载(2017年12期,中小学教育);中国社会科学网全文转载(2018年3月21日);国务院发展研究中心全文转载信息网全文转载(2017年11月9日);该论文得到济宁市第28次社会科学优秀成果奖 二等奖
9. 陈奕桦、付倩兰*(2017)。教学方法对小学生数学课堂参与度影响的实证分析。数学教育学报(CSSCI-E、北大核心),26(4),80-87。该论文得到成都市2016-2017年度基础教育课程改革优秀论文 壹等奖
10. 陈奕桦、赵可云(2017)。信息技术对中学生科学自我效能的促进成效。开放教育研究(CSSCI),23(6),60-70。
11. 陈奕桦、周谊*(2017)。中国15岁中学生未来生涯准备度分析。现代基础教育研究(CSSCI),28(4),96-103。
12. 陈奕桦、谭蕾、李蒙蒙(2018)。残疾学生欺凌行为与经验量表中文版修订及信、效度评价。中国公共卫生(北大核心、CSCD),34(7),1042-1045。
13. 陈奕桦*、谭蕾(2018)。残疾学生校园欺凌研究现状。中国学校卫生(北大核心、科技核心),39(2),314-317。
14. 赵可云、崔晓鸾、杨鑫、黄雪娇、陈奕桦(2018)。大众媒介对农村留守儿童学习社会化影响的实证研究。现代远距离教育(CSSCI-E),3,66-74。
15. 陈奕桦(2018)。残疾学生与普通学生校园欺凌涉入情况比较。中国全科医学(北大核心),21(S2), 231-233。
16. 陈奕桦(2019)。我国台湾地区融合教育环境下残疾学生校园受凌情况。中国临床心理学(CSSCI、CSCD),27(1),83-89。
17. 陈奕桦、周谊(2019)。公立与民办中学校园自主管理对学生学习表现影响的比较——基于京沪粤苏PISA 2015数据。现代基础教育研究(CSSCI),33(1),12-19。
18. 陈奕桦、付倩兰、林宗莹(2019)。电子白板竞赛游戏课堂评价环境下小学生数学学习表现变化。现代教育技术(CSSCI),4,67-74。国务院发展研究中心全文转载信息网全文转载(2019年8月7日)该论文得到成都市第十五届 教育改革与研究论文 一等奖
19. 陈奕桦、谢妮、孟志远(2019)。校园欺凌防制与中学生核心素养关系实证研究。四川师范大学学报(CSSCI),46(4),86-97。
20. 伊剑、陈奕桦*(2019)。考核制度对上海中学教师职业认同感影响:跨水平中介模型分析。中国临床心理学(CSSCI), 27(6), 1220-1226.
1. 杨雅婷、陈奕桦*(2013)。竞赛数字游戏结合学生出题运用于小学电磁教学之研究。数位学习科技期刊(TSSCI),5,1-25。
2. 杨雅婷、陈奕桦*(2013)。课室专注力量表建构。教育研究与发展期刊(TSSCI),9,1-28。
3. Yang, H. J., Yang, Y. T. C*., Chen, I. H., Tan Q. P., & Chiang, W. C. (2013). The effectiveness of behavioral change courses and healthy promotion cloud system on vocational high school students’ sleep hygiene, International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (ProQuest与EI数据库收录), 3, 155-157.
4. 杨雅婷、陈奕桦*(2014)。探讨高中生静态身体活动、睡眠质量与正负向情绪对课室专注力与学业成就之影响。台东大学教育学报(TSSCI),1,1-28。
5. 杨雅婷、陈奕桦*(2014)。认知策略、心情沉静狀态、课室专注力与学业成就之关聯:以台湾一所高级职业学校为例。香港中文大学教育学报(TSSCI、CSSCI—港澳台海外华文版),42(2),23-50。